
You Always Buy What You Never Need (After When You Will Realize You Don’t Need Them). Stop This Leakages’, With These 4 Tricks

              Be it online/off-line purchasing of goods, as human nature we are liable to forgetting some things which we must buy.
But most of the time we happened to bought what we do not need at present at  instead of what we need at current  moment, though this might happen to anyone in any moment but there are some palliative measure we can put in place which will help, if not in eliminating it completely but will reduce the incident of its occurrence to the minimal, the following are the possible measure we can apply:
                 Days-ahead schedule; though this might sound childish but it work like magic. What is meant here is for you, who is aiming to go shopping in a future date to have a before time map. Of all what you know you will need, for instance let say you are to go shopping For item to be used in your holiday vacation of next four month you should try to list all you will need down this month in order for you to have a clear-near picture of those stuffs.
                   By doing this you will be able spot your need out clearly, logically and wisely because the map of what you will buy was drawn out, out of frustration, un directed mindset, agitated thought of choosing among all options etc, because you will have a blue print of what pleases you.
                      Have a list of each items alternative; to help you buy a-right      the second thing you can do is to have a list of close substitute that will replace what you really want. Because according to people comment about this point, what cause buying astray is inability to find what someone really want at that moment,  but if you happen to have had possible options of what you need things is quite interesting.
                        When planning what to buy consider price fluctuations; just like the above advice, to avoid buying-wrong you should try to consider price gallop-since it can never be separated from business atmosphere. Applying this will help you to conquer frustration that might push you to buy what you should not buy due to rise in price-usually when its  above the price you are familiar with in the first place.
                       Apply the law of "firmness" here what I mean is very simple but if neglected can results to other thing. This is your ability to cling firmly to you favorites, when it comes to brand, author, maker, designer, model, ETC, the reason for this is that we are in the age of seductive advertising, which is strong enough to give you a brand you never wanted instead of the one you wholeheartedly admire, why I say this is that there are plenty good in buying what pleases you rather than what you are al lured to buying(especially tangible goods  like; TV,CAR,PC etc {goods that last for many years})
                  Inconclusive, due to extra cash the issue discussed here is charging every pocket everyday it is wise to see meaning to what was been said here. Moreover  thanks to you my reader for your love and support for reading this note. Also more thanks to you if you apply what you have learnt here, but most thanks to you if you can spread the good news to those who had never heard it.

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