
If You Do These 3 Things, You Will Live A More Successful Life Than You Ever Planned Before.

People will think that being able to live an abundant life is something that only the "special" people can have.
However, anyone can live abundantly, just as long as you know what you are doing in life. Though life may not be at an ultimate high, this does not mean that you cannot be happy.
In order to live abundantly, you will need to start focusing more on yourself and enjoying your happiness.

Create Small Goals

When you make small goals in life, you will realize that they will work together to still achieve one big goal. This makes life seem easier and you are able to enjoy each day more.
Sometimes a really big goal can seem too overwhelming and so it is a better idea to simply just focus on making small goals on a daily basis. Naturally some people belief that when you are successful is when you have billions of dollar in your bank account, to some people its when you are able to marry miss world, or when you ride on the most expensive cars and leave in exotic houses, but you have to think about it yourself that, though this is true but what I want you to know is that leaving a successful life is when you able to;

- be contented with what you have

-when you are able to be the source of happiness for people around you

-this is when you refuse to fool yourself that you have all challenges of the world

-it’s when you are to know that you need to treat other nicely, because they are facing serious challenges in the secret of their life.

-this is when you are able to show others a way out even when you can’t see any way out.

-it’s when you have the strength to know that money is not everything, because getting it doesn’t guarantee you any happiness.

-And lastly, this is when you are able to know that; for you to live a meaningful life you need to treat others as nice as possible, as polite as possible, as gently as possible.

Have Time For Friends

Sometimes working too hard may not be the answer to living abundantly. You will need to take a break and realize that there are other things in important in life besides work and money.

When you ensure that your relationships with the people you love are perfect, you will be able to focus more on your work. This is one of the secret of life you must discover, sometimes ago when I was chatting with one of my friend during holidays, he made me to know that ‘it’s good to spend time with other aspect of life rather than work or study alone, because life is not only contain what you make but how interestingly you have successfully spend every bit of your life’, to some people this is not so but the truth is that “a successful life contains a hard work and some portion of fun in it”.
          The fact here is that we need to create a loving atmosphere everywhere we go so that we will also dwell in sweet world. I want you to know that as we grow old there is more desire for intimacy and friendliness in our surroundings that is why late death of an husband might lead to quick death of the wife; that is why finding quality time for friends and family is a huge steps to a healthy life and successful lifetime.
This is something that a lot of workaholics forget and it leads to more problems in other areas of life. All said and done, what’s important is to separate time for funny moments with people and nature around you.

Relax and Exercise

When you are feeling too stressed, sometimes all you need to do is let it out with some sort of activity. Whether it is exercise or simply just going to sleep, doing things to help relax yourself will allow you to get back to work.
          It’s amazing to let you know that there are some people who doesn’t know how to take care of themselves, what they only do is to maltreat themselves, how can someone maltreat him/herself? Not having time for exercise, some people don’t know how to appreciate themselves from little thing they have done, some people are too busy to look at themselves and say “I have tried” etc. all these are ways someone can maltreat him/her self.
Why exercise?
With different health histories and treatment needs, no two HIV-positive People are alike. But there’s one factor we all have in common: the need for exercise to stay healthy. Not only is working out good for general health and well-being; it may help prevent or reverse some complications of HIV infection and treatment,
Including body fat changes (lipodystrophy) and increased weight, as well as higher cholesterol, triglyceride and blood sugar levels. Exercise can also:
■ Increase bone strength, muscle mass and endurance.
■ Strengthen the immune system, as well as the heart and lungs.
■ Improve appetite, sleep, mood, energy level and sex drive.
What kind of exercise is best?
Generally speaking, there are two types of exercise:
■ Cardiovascular, such as running or walking, gets your heart and lungs
helps control body weight and burns body fat.
■ Strength training, with weights or resistance, tones and strengthens
Doing both is ideal. But you can’t go wrong by doing at least one regularly.
How do I start an exercise program?
Check with your doctor, nurse practitioner or health care provider before
Beginning an exercise regimen. This is especially true if you have a personal or family
History of heart problems, breathing difficulties or light-headedness.
Pick activities you like. Everyone is different. Some like exercising in the
Morning and others during their lunch hour or at night. Some like sweating alone
while others like team sports or gym partners. Be sure to start at a level suited to you.
When in doubt, ask your health care provider or an exercise professional (such as a
Certified trainer at a gym), or visit www.poz.com and search under “fitness.”
how much should I work out?
For cardio, try to get your heart rate up three to five times a week for 20
to 60 minutes.
There are lots of ways to do this: walking your dog, jogging, swimming,
cycling, hiking, dancing, aerobics classes and so on. If you can’t talk while you’re
doing it, you’re working too hard—but if you can sing, you’re not working hard enough.
As for strength training, fitness clubs and gyms offer a variety of weights and
But there are plenty of tools you can use at home, including dumbbells and
Resistance bands, and you can do callisthenics such as sit ups and squats anywhere.
Is exercise safe?
Yes, but it’s important that you know your limits. Overtraining can be
stressful on the heart, cause you to lose muscle mass, and lead to fatigue. Pushing
yourself too hard—lifting too much weight or not paying careful attention to your form
and posture—can increase your risk of injury. To decrease the chance of hurting
yourself, stretch and warm up before you start, and stretch and cool down afterward.
Don’t forget to get enough sleep; eat healthfully; drink water before, during
and after working out; and listen to your body—it will tell you to slow down, speed up
or take a break on days when you’re not feeling well.

There are a variety of stress relieving exercises including:
Walking (Don’t forget your dog!)
Walking fast
Water Aerobics
Riding bike on level ground
Pushing a lawn mower
Playing doubles tennis
Most people need to get more exercise anyway, so this is a great way to kill
two birds with one stone.  Not only are you relaxing and relieving stress, but you are also
getting in shape.  Exercise can also help you increase your productivity and focus by
more than 30%. Apart from all these, for us to have a health and fulfilling life into old age.

Benefits of regular and moderate exercise
You don’t have to spend hours jogging, risk injury or a heart attack on the squash court or go for the burn of an aerobics class to be fit. Recent research suggests that the best kind of exercise is gentle and it uses the whole body e.g. brisk walking, swimming, cycling, etc.

Exercise works on our body in these three major ways:
ü  Exercise for developing Stamina, which increases consumption of oxygen; raises heart rate and expands lungs, this is a type of exercise that help to improve the complete respiration in the body. Examples of this type of exercise are jogging, keep fit, aerobic dance etc.
ü  Exercises for developing Flexibility by stretching and toning muscles and internal organs. This helps to prevent age-related stiffness of the body parts. By the flexibility we also help the body to strengthen blood veins for utmost performances.
Examples of this type of exercise are warm up routines and yoga.
ü  Exercises for developing Strength by building and toning our muscles. That is, whenever we perform exercises we directly or indirectly fine toning our muscle design to give us a fitting form of body shapes that fit our daily actions. An example of this type of exercise is weight training.

Research has found that people who do regular physical activity have:

                Up to a 35%

lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke

               Up to a 50%

lower risk of colon cancer

               Up to a 20%

lower risk of early death

               Up to a 83%

lower risk of osteoarthritis

               Up to a 68%

lower risk of hip fracture

               A 30% lower

risk of fall (among older adult)

              Up to a 30%

lower risk of depression

              Up to a 30%

lower risk of dementia

Recommended Physical Activities Level

Children under 5

3 hours (180 minutes every day)

Young people(5-18)

1 hours (60 minutes everyday)


150 minutes every week


Living abundantly certainly does not mean that you will need to have all the money in the world but to simply make sure that you are happy, no matter what is going on in your life.

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