
4 Quick and Simple Home Fitness Ideas For Moms: The Secret Of Long Life And Sound Health

One of the most important thing in life is to have a sound health, but staying fit might be somehow difficult for mom who always stay busy at home doing one thing or the other. In the opposite view fitness is a thing that mom need to stay agile, stress-free, movable and highly mobile.

One of the setbacks when you workout at home using exercise equipment is the difficulty to schedule a proper and regular fitness routine. This is particularly true to work or stay at home moms who have to juggle their time between doing home chores, taking care of the kids and the spouse, and running errands. Sometimes, the extra-curricular activities add to the tightness of schedule that all these occupations leave the home fitness equipment just lying and collecting dust at one corner of the home.

If you are one of these individuals who cannot easily find time to stick to a proper fitness routine, you can still workout even without employing any fitness equipment. Here are some quick and simple ideas how to keep that body healthy and fit all year round.

1)  Work and Exercise with your Kids

If you have kids and a baby, take this as an advantage rather than a disadvantage to your workout routine. Put your baby in his pushchair and together with the other kids, have a little trip at the park or just around the block. Brisk walking is a good cardio exercise, which keeps you feeling refreshed and relaxed afterwards. Plus, it is good for the kids too.

Also, you can get everybody moving by tidying the kitchen, the living room, and the bedrooms at least for five minutes daily. Have fun by setting a timer, putting music on, and get everybody, including you, picking up the clatters, books, toys, clothes, shoes, and so on and so forth. It is good as little cardio exercise for you and your kids. There are many things you can do with your kids that will keep you up and running. And in the process, you keep your physical aspect fit and healthy with those little physical exercises.

If the kids go to school, you can use this again to keep your fitness routine by walking them to and fro. Besides exercising, you are spending quality time with them. Plus, you make them feel great and in excellent mood before entering the school. Never use the car for this spoils your goal of keeping fitness routine. Unless, of course, if the school has a long distance. In this case, what you can do is to park the car a little far and walk the rest of the distance.

2)  Use your Time Alone

When you are alone at home, make your list of 5-minute activities which will keep you occupied and exerting physical effort. It can be as simple as climbing the stairs up and down, stretching, running to and fro the house, gardening, watering the plants, laundering the clothes, washing the dishes, and a lot, lot more activities. You can go to the park and just walk around and catch fresh air. There are endless activities you can do. The good thing is it does not only achieve your goal of burning calories daily but it allows you to accomplish the household chores at the same time.

Of course, you need to take rest as well. It will help a lot if you get a good amount of sleep hours so your body and mind are refreshed daily. Plus, you must bear in mind that eating healthy foods is the key to completing your goal of keeping fit and healthy. Be sure that the food is both good for you and your kids too.

(3) Take annual health tests
What I want you to know here is that, just as you must service your car or other automobile equipment so also is necessary for you take yourself to health consultants for necessary check for any possible ailment within your physiological system. Annual physical examinations are generally covered by health insurance or you can also get it for free or at a minimum cost.
Routine tests are critically important to detect health problems at an early stage before they grow into a serious health issue.

(4) Be kind to yourself

Before anybody else the first person you can behave well to is yourself, because how you treat yourself and present yourself will determine how others will behave to you.
Treat yourself every now and then. These can just be simple pampering such as getting your hair done at a posh salon, or scheduling a massage appointment.
Break away from the demands and pressures of daily living and allow yourself to slow down, recharge and find temporary relief. Part of been kind to yourself is to think good of yourself, wishing yourself the best in all circumstances and other good thoughts.

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