
Here Are Top 10 Power-Packed Foods, That Makes You Look Younger, Fresher And Healthier-Even When You Clock 100 Years Of Age

What is the secret to a long and healthy life?  It is in the food that we eat.  As you well know, all foods are not created equal.  Choosing and eating the right foods may help increase your life expectancy as well as the quality of your life.
Here are ten of the top power packed foods designed to give you energy, vitality and all around good health!

1. Beans – If they give you gas, take precautions before you eat them.  Soaking them first can help.  Beans of all kinds (kidney, navy, lentils, chickpeas, Northern) are high in protein.  This is plant protein so it contains very little fat, carbs and calories.  If fiber is a problem in your diet, eating a healthy portion of beans each day can keep your digestive system healthy. Expert recommend you to consume p to three cups of the legumes a week-because they are so good for your health. And the more you eat, the less likely you are to have tummy problem, people wwho eat beans on a consistent basis experience gas and bloating than people who consume them less often. Says Cynthia Sass MPH, RD, Health Contributing nutrition editor and author and of slim down now. The fibers in beans help your body to feel full so you don’t need to eat as much throughout the day, because beans has fiber in its skin and flesh. Beans is so important because it contains both soluble and insoluble fibers, so they work double to keep your digestive system running smoothly.  however, after the digestion of the fibers in beans, the cabs in beans get absorbed at a slower rate over a longer period of time, this helps to keep the blood sugar steady-this is why beans has been help to keep diabetes in control. Some other important benefit of beans include maintenance of healthy cardiovascular system, also it has been found that it helps to induce sound and thorough sleep in people who suffers from sleeplessness(insomnia). 

2. Oatmeal – Oatmeal is coming into popularity as a food that lowers blood cholesterol.  You can make it yourself with rolled oats or eat the instant kind if you are in a hurry.  Oatmeal is a filling grain that also provides much needed fiber to keep hunger at bay and your blood sugar constant.

3. Fruits – Fruits are filled with antioxidants such as Vitamin C and A.  Antioxidants fight free radical damage in the body and reduce the risk of cancer.  Berries such as blueberries and grapes have the highest amount of antioxidants.  But choose an array of fruits in a wide variety of colors for maximum health.  The antioxidants in fruit boost the immune system to fight the effects of aging in the body. Fruits; fruits has been recognize as a good source of vitamins and minerals, and for their role in preventing vitamin C and vitamin A deficiencies. People who eat fruit as part of an overall healthy diet generally have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Fruits are important source of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, vitamin C and folate (folic acid). Try to add bleu berries, citrus fruits, cran berries or straw berries, which contains phytochemicals (phytochemicals are rare nutrients that are found in small quantity in foods we eat which also has to do with healthy condition of the body) that are been studied for added health benefits. For instance, which is found in bananas and other fruits helps to reduce the risk developing heart disease, stroke, kidney stone and help to decrease bone loss as age increases, 2 ½ of fruits are very good for your health daily -as recommended by US department of agriculture (choosemyplate.gov) website Washington DC
Why Choosing Fruits
·        Fruits are low in calories and fats and sources of simple sugar, fibers and vitamins, that helps to optimize your heath.
·        Fruits consists of many (natural) benefiting antioxidant,  such as poly-phenolic flavonoids, vit-C, and anthocyanins, all these helps the human body to protect oxidant stress, diseases and cancers, boost immunity to fight ailment, etc.
·        Fruits contains natural nutrients and minerals (which does not have any side effects like that of laboratory prepared ones), therefore it helps to prevent untimely aging of the body tissues and outer appearances, it also rejuvenate and prevent damage to body cells, these nutrients also go extra mile to prevent wrinkles of the skins, hair-half, memory loss, and age-related macular degeneration of the eye retina(which prevent loss of sight due to age),Alzheimer disease, colon cancer, weak bone, etc the list of the benefit goes endless.

4. Allium foods – This class of foods includes garlic, onions, leeks and shallots.  Garlic is known for lowering cholesterol.  Allium vegetables healp guard the body against the risk of cancer and many other ailments.  They also help lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots.  Eating these power packed vegetables in their natural state especially garlic increases their health benefits. 

5. Salmon – Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of heart disease and other conditions like atherosclerosis.  Wild salmon is a fatty fish but it contains good fats that has been proven to improve health in children and adults.  Salmon is rich in protein which is of great use after an exercise session to build muscle tissue.

6. Flax Seed – Like salmon it contains omega-3 fatty acids.  These seeds also contain omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.  You get a lot of power to fight high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes with this seed.  Ground flax seed can be added to fruit smoothies, sprinkled in yogurt, eaten with cereal or added to pancake mix to name a few.

7. Peppers (or spices) – Peppers are colorful.  They contain antioxidants like beta-carotene and Vitamin C.  Peppers range from mild and sweet to so hot you’ll be calling the fire department.  All peppers contain a substance called capsaicin.  Capsaicin has the properties of an anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever, lowers cancer risk and heart disease.  They are good in salads, salsa and all sorts of dishes.  Spices; spices has been found to contain disease preventing and health promoting chemical compounds
·        Also they have been in use since ancient time for their anti-inflamationary, carminative, anti-flatulent properties

·        Spic es also contains anti-clotting properties that help to prevent coagulation of blood platelet thereby facilitating free flow of blood-preventing stroke and coronary artery disease.

8. Nuts And Seeds – Nuts are high in fat but those fats are the good kind.  Peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and pistachios are all providers of good fats and protein.  Crush them into a fine powder and use as a coating instead of higher carb bread crumbs. 
·        Nuts help to lower cholesterol.  Eat them right out of the shell with no additives.
·        Nuts are the ultimate sources of good fatty acidnutrients of Omega-3 acids, likeLinoleic acid, a-linolenic acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic acid, Docosahexonic acid etc.
·        Nuts have a complete and adequate proportion of calories and vitamins. They also contain Vitamin-E a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant which helps to maintain the integrity of cell membrane of mucus and skin, thus preventing it from harmful oxygen free radicals.
·        However the vitamin B-complex in these nut (like riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, and folic has been found to  be essential for optimum health and well being.

9. Açai – This berry has been in the news lately.  It is rich in antioxidants and increases energy.  You can get more done and look better while doing it.  You can get Acai juice and supplements in your health food store.

10. Yogurt – The fat free variety is good for you.  Yogurt contains calcium, Vitamin B, and protein.  If you don’t drink milk, yogurt is an alternative to get your calcium in to build strong bones and teeth.  Live yogurt also contains friendly bacteria to help promote a healthy digestive system.

Building a better healthier body begins with what you eat.  Try these super foods to get started on the right foot. 

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