
Fact: What Matter Most In Life? Psychologists Recommend That It’s Good To Know “What Matters Most In Life”. Because, What Matters Most Makes Life More Meaningful, Interesting, Convenience And Sweet To Live. Here Is What Matter Most In Life

Fact: What Matter Most In Life? Psychologists Recommend That It’s Good To Know “What Matters Most In Life”. Because, What Matters Most Makes Life More Meaningful, Interesting, Convenience And Sweet To Live.
Here Is What Matter Most In Life


One of the best and worthwhile thing in human history is to discover what really matter most this will settle most dispute of life.
If it’s Money/Wealth-it will end one day. And most especially it’s not capable of buying rest of mind, love, contentment, good health, .it buy bed but doesn’t give good sleep.

Is it-Cloth-it will worn out one day. It can never last a century.

What of-Fame or Talent-it’s not limited to one person, millions of celebrity has come to this world and left. Children unborn will surely be a celebrated artiste.

Can it be-Achieving academic excellence-it will all be useless when someone dies.

Ok then is it-Exotic cars-no one can drove it inside the grave, it can even has accident. It will all ended at iron recycling station.

What of-Expensive Mansions: it can only last for some time, after which it will get demolished for it not to claim life of people living in it.

Or is it-Sophisticated toy-it will all landed inside dust-bin and been thrown away one day. 

What of Sparkling-Beauty-it all get deteriorated (diminish) by age, all the fresh skin get wrinkled by old-age.

Can’t it be-Electronic gadget-it will all develop fault and fail to perform its duty someday.

Consider -Been A Public figure-it does nothing but even expose you to fieriest (burning) criticism, hatred, large scale blackmail, assassination, serious and false acquisition, misquoting/misjudge, and jail and make you a death worthy wanted person.

What of attaining-High post-hatred from subordinates’, back-biting, no matter what you do people will never be satisfied, detest, spurious lies, held accountable for unperformed actions.

Can it be-Power-it’s has no staying place because people like King Pharaoh, Alexandria The Great, Adolf  Hitler, Mohammed Gadafi, King Herod, etc. would not have been over powered, but the Lord Almighty has it “ALL”.

What of the principal thing-Wisdom-it’s most useful when used for the benefit of others, and ended when death strike.  

What of-Religious Fanatics (too religiously concern): though no one has ever get to heaven and come back, but religious teachings made us to know that, ‘been religious’ is not contained in your religious activities but in manners and ways you deal or relate, behave, treat, and associate with people you meet after leaving your worship centers, and how much you appreciate God through good deeds.

Fake Love (Lust); Lust is an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for food as distinct from the need for food. Religions, especially Christianity, separate the definition of passion and lust by further categorizing lust as type of passion for something that does not belong to oneself, therefore being morally wrong. It will only give you untold hardship, blackmail, deadly disease, moral and psychological misbehaviors.
Having Fun-Just like money the more you have the more you will want more. It sensation is short lived, the brain forget quickly.  

What’s That Thing That Really Matters Most?

The only thing that matters most is “a true heart of love”. This should not be mistaken for infatuation; Infatuation has been defined as “being completely carried away by affections,” or “the emotional impulse of love untested by time or circumstance.” When the feeling part of love is so strong that it blinds us to reality i.e. talking about the proper thing that correct errors in each other’s behavior. The heart of love is one of the most blessed heart, it’s a heart in which all good fortune dwells. It’s the heart that do things to take away sorrow of others. Is a kind of heart that seize every opportunity to show people around him/her that they are wonderful.  It’s the heart that the lord exist in. that is why it’s been said that He that love not know not God; for God is love……. God is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God (dwells) in him.” it’s also the first and greatest commandment.

Agape/true love: In the New Testament (the HOLY BOOK of the Christian), agape is charitable, hospitable, tender-love, kindness-love, non-complaining, positive-expecting love, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional love-is the best love ever. Also, taking a look at love from the Islamic perspective. Amongst the 99 names of God (Allah), there is the name Al-Wadud, or "the Loving One," which is found in Surah [Quran 11:90] as well as Surah [Quran 85:14 ].
God is also referenced at the beginning of “every chapter” in the Qur'an as Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, or the "Most Compassionate" and the "Most Merciful" (meaning: most loving, caring, helpful, compassionate, kindhearted), indicating that nobody is more loving, compassionate and benevolent than God. The Qur'an refers to God as being "full of loving kindness."
What Does Love Do In One’s Life

Love will not allow someone to say “me first in everything”.
Love is the only thing that help someone to believe the best about others.
With heart of love someone won’t keep the ‘score’ of the bad things that others do to you. (Diary of black record, life is too easy for you to add this to your journey. Love never do things like this.)
Someone who dwells in love will never call anyone bad name.
Love will allow someone to find simple, easy, kind, gentle, peaceful ways of settling issues, combat or abuse.
Loves never allow someone to be conceited (self-importance), instead he sees others as more important than he is.
Love will put up with annoying things that others do.
Love won’t allow you to rejoice when others get hurt.
Love hide its own sorrow to wipe tears from the eyes of others
Love never allow keeping of grudges or malice (no matter how), but seeks peace by narrating and make known the wrong deeds of others and forgives quickly
Love help out others, even when it’s inconvenient.
Does not worry about what it does not have but only do needed thing only.
Does won’t allow someone to worry on things he cannot change, especially about other people’s behavior but endure instead.
It’s the only thing that make you to Belief that other happiness is yours. Love never quit.

A natural love that dwells in one’s mind is what makes one’s life peaceful. Real love will work in good times, and in health, and if things get better. But love based on feelings alone will never endure the bad times, sickness, or if things got worse. Maybe that’s why 52% of marriages end in divorce.

Love in the heart makes such a heart a room of all treasures.
It’s what presence in the mind that brings lasting happiness.
Through love, two imperfect friends become perfect and smile partner.
A love in a home makes it a paradise on earth where everyone will love to live in.
Love in a society makes it a beautiful atmosphere where everyone contribute to the good of others.
Love in workplace makes workmates do things together as a family. The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.

How to Love
Love yourself. Before loving anyone else, you have to love yourself. You are the first element that need love, “you need to be the love you want to see in the world. This is important on so many levels. It will show you how to experience love, If you have problems loving yourself, then change yourself. Build your self-confidence by doing something wonderful and being a better person.
Conquer all of your bad habits that make you self-conscious. When you love yourself, you won’t seek others approval before you are happy, when you love yourself you will cherish all (good)things you do, when you love yourself you will present yourself the way you want others to treat you, you won’t think you are worthless, it’s when you love yourself that you will know that you are not the most unfortunate but you will know that so far you are still living you have all opportunity, when you love yourself you will know that you are not facing the greatest challenges-you will belief that we are ‘all’ in the same wagon of challenge. It’s when you love yourself that you will know that no one can give you happiness, confidence and positivity…….and much more.
And lastly, for you to love yourself greatly, just don’t expect to make yourself into the perfect person, because perfect people do not exist, you just need to improve every day, when you do this you begin to grow and your perfection also rises.

No two Have something to offer others: if you have the opportunity, even when you have nothing there are greater things you can give, like your kind words, warm hug, smile, concern/care, kindness, good thought towards others, help when it’s needed, gentleness in dealing with others, etc.

Be exposed. Unfortunately, loving someone means that they can hurt you. This is normal and okay (and almost inevitable), if you are to have a ‘true heart of love’. So for you to have real love, you need to allow yourself to open with everybody. Don’t keep secrets from them, don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t, but instead give them the opportunity to know the real you. It’s better to let them know your true picture because if you keep showing people a duplicate of your true behavior, they might not forgive you if they latter detect that all you are using is duplicate photo of yourself. When you show your true self on greatest advantage is that you have nothing to hide or fear of.

Respect everyone. Respect everyone in your life.
Respect your friends, your family, people around you and your lovers.
Respecting someone is an incredibly important part of loving them. You have to respect someone you love and if you don’t respect them then you don’t really love them. Respect mostly comes down to realizing that everyone is a worthwhile person, it shows you appreciate how they were created, with valid opinions and experiences. Realize that the other person has their own wishes and desires, and rights to privacy and dignity. If you can’t think these things about another person, then you can’t love them. This means if you think about these things about others you love them and appreciate them as well.

Take people for who they are; the simple meaning to this is that everyone is different, we were not made equal in all things. One person’s strength is another person’s weakness, though this doesn’t make anyone better or worse than anyone else. To have a true heart of love to someone, you need to take them for everything that they are, good and bad. Realize that none of those traits (either good or bad) may be permanent and that if you want them to change, you have to help them want that change for themselves. They aren’t yours to mold into your personal statue of perfection. The magic here is that if you love them truly and you express it to them you will be amazed when they suddenly change to the type of person you want them to be.

Center on the positives. When you love someone, you should always keep focus on their positive traits. Find the things that you love about them. Focusing on nitpicky things you dislike about them will only make both of you unhappy in the end.

Forgive when someone wronged you, forgive when you
Wrong; forgiveness, hatred, grudges, malice, complaints, resentment, etc. are all chain, it’s a bondage, it’s a poison of human soul, and it’s a tie down. Instead, learn to forgive and move on when the other person hurts you and forgive yourself when you’ve made mistakes. All you need to do is take the lessons from those experiences and make yourself a better person.

Try to see issues from all sides. We hate to be wrong. Everyone does. But the thing about everyone thinking they’re right is that someone HAS to be wrong. If we disagree on an issue, we’re bound to be wrong on at least part of the issue.

In conclusion, it’s good to mention and made it clear that other things mentioned are ALL “matters most” but the greatest of all is a heart of love because this will make life and after life event the best thing ever experience, so while doing other things in life,, do them with utmost heart of love, a heart full of all kind/nice things, word of mouth enriched with all lovely messages, and all days effort that is aimed at making life more interesting for you and people around you-because these are all you need to do for you to buy yourself a life worth living.

Poisons Of Love

  • Lie
  • Superiority Complex
  • Manipulation Of Others
  • Abuse: of Any Kind
  • Ingratitude

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