
47 Stress-Free Ways To Get Money When You Are Broke (Free MONEY YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY BACK)

The reason I have planned to write this article is because I have known how it looks like not to have any cash on you, and that a life without money(for livelihood) is nothing but sorrow and hardship. That is why taking a look at stress and most easy ways to find cash is very important, even before anything else. Therefore here are 47 stress-free ways to get money when you are broke

1. One way to get money is to have a yard sale and sell items
that you are getting ready to toss away because you don't want
them any longer.

2. You can always gather shells at the beach and polish and turn
into jewelry.

3. Get cash surrender from life insurance policy.

4. Paint faces on rocks and sell as paper weights.

5. Go to a pawn shop and pawn some jewelry.

6. Borrow from a relative.

7. Go get welfare pay or food stamps.

8. Dig small trees from woods and sell to home-owners.

9. Learn names of wild plants and plant in pots for sale.

10. Roll newspapers up in logs, tie, dye and let dry...then sell

11. Cut up old shirts and dresses and make pot holders out of
them and sell.

12. Cut square towels out of old tossed out clothes and sell as
wiping rags.

13. Gather driftwood from the beach areas and sell to craft

14. Paint old used wine bottles and sell as hand painted vases.

15. Go house to house and paint house numbers on curbs for a fee.

16. Take the lawn mower house to house and mow lawns for a fee.

17. Offer to dig or spade gardens for local neighbors for money.

18. Offer to sell fishing (earth) worms as bait - dig in garden

19. Paint house exteriors in spare hours. Charge prevailing rate.

20. Gather pine cones and sell to craft shops.

21. Turn pine cones into useful jewelry, etc. and sell to shops
or houses.

22. Spray old building bricks gold, sell as "Fort Knox Rejects"

23. Paint bricks a vibrant enamel and sell as toilet bowl

24. Fill coffee cans full of plaster, paint all over and sell as
door stops.

25. Gathervegetables from your garden and sell at road side

27. Baby sit for profits.

28. House sit for vacationers, get extra by up keeping grounds.

29. Make fudge and sell house to house.

30. Do typing for fellow students or fellow workers for a fee.

31. Type menus for restaurants for a certain amount per menu.

32. Read books and do reports for a fee for students.

33. Research any subject (in library) for $25 a page.

34. Paint scrolls and designs on plates or make birthday plates,
charge $19 each.

35. Teach people to do calisthenics, charge $2 an hour and have
10 at a time.

36. Teach dancing and charge $2 an hour, and have 10 at a time.

37. Learn to do juggling and clowning, put on shows for pay.

38. Rent out as a clown to birthday parties, affairs, etc.

39. Get good at telling jokes and rent out to night clubs.

40. Sing for money at night clubs.

41. Make crafts and sell them at road side yard stand.

42. Teach others to make crafts ($2 each) and have 10 at each

43. Bake fruit pies and sell house to house (or in stores at

44. Make Christmas wreaths during holiday season to sell, using
discarded boughs from your own and neighbors Christmas trees.

45. Make Christmas candles from paraffin wax and sell at
Christmas time.

46. Polish shoes for office workers by going to office once a day
every day and charge 50 cents a shine - lawyers best bet here,
Also see all accountants, clerks, insurance agents, etc. 
47. Practice what you have read here. This is the greatest law that make it happen, don't feel too big to do these things, your comfortable living should be your greatest aim and not peoples' comments.

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